There are many people in and around Savannah who may not want to legally end their marriages but who either are living or do need to live separately from their spouses.
People can have different reasons for not wanting a divorce.
In some situations, divorce might seem like a drastic step. They may wish to wait and process their situation before ending their marriage.
Others may have religious reasons for not wanting to divorce. In other cases, a person may worry about how a divorce would impact their children.
Sometimes, there are financial or other significant considerations people have for not wanting to end their marriage right away, if at all.
Unlike other states, Georgia does not have a separate court filing available for people who want a legal separation instead of a divorce.
Basically, a couple can be considered legally separated if they are no longer having sexual relations with each other, even if they continue to live under the same roof.
Once a couple has legally separated, however, either spouse may file what Georgia calls a separate maintenance case.
While a separate maintenance case does not end a marriage, a judge can make all the usual orders one would expect after a divorce concerning property, spousal support and the custody and support of the couple’s minor children.
As is the case with a divorce, spouses in a separate maintenance case are free to agree on how to resolve their financial and parenting issues and file that agreement with the court.
If either spouse wants a divorce instead of separate maintenance, they may ask for one and will likely get it. The separate maintenance case does not stop either side from asking for divorce.
Protective orders are also important options for victims of domestic violence
It is also important for victims of domestic violence to remember that they can ask for a family violence protective order.
In addition to requiring a perpetrator to stay away from and have no contact with their victim, these orders can sometimes offer a measure of financial relief and protection for a victim’s children as well.
One need not even initiate a divorce action to get a protective order. Additionally, protective order cases will be heard relatively quickly.
Those who are wondering about options for protection that do not involve divorce may wish to have assistance with exploring their alternatives.