As readers of this blog know, we often talk about child custody and ways to navigate it. Indeed, in a recent post, we discussed a unique way to make child custody easier on children, nesting. And, in this blog post, we will discuss ways that parents can make two homes feel like home because nesting is not always an option for all Savannah, Georgia, parents.
Mitigating the effect of two homes
First, even though divorcing spouses will need to maintain two Savannah, Georgia, homes now, you both should talk about how to mitigate this effect on your children. The family home will have to be sold, but can one or both of you maintain a home, rental property or apartment in the neighborhood or school district? If so, the children can at least still attend the same school district and keep their same circle of friends.
Be honest and up front
Do not put off the divorce talk until moving day. Make sure that you talk with your children about the upcoming changes in their lives. Let them ask questions, and make sure they know that it has nothing to do with them. If you were able to mitigate some of the divorce affects, let them know. This will make the transition much easier on them.
Family therapy
If possible, start family therapy now. Remember, your Savannah, Georgia, marriage and the family you all have together is the foundation of their lives. And, the destruction of that will cause some distress. Family counseling can help them work through this now.
Bridging the old life with the new life
Go through the Savannah, Georgia, family home with your kids and get important, emotional and personal items that make the soon-to-be old family home feel like home for your children. Split those items up between the two parents to be placed in the new family homes.
Then create spaces for your children in each new home. Preferably, each child should have their own rooms. But if not, any space (corner, closet, bookshelf, etc.) is fine. Any space that is their space will do. Put those personal items from the old home in their new space and allow each child to make that space their own.